UN 200 smart series PLC is a smaII PLC product with high performance, high integration and highcost-efficient pIc which independentIy deveIoped by UniMAT Automation. UN 200 smart PLC hasdifferent CPUs with 20, 30, 40, 60 etc different i/o points .
The CPU has high speed processor, high speed inputs incIude 6*200KHz singIe phase , 4* 100KHz AB phase and High speed outputs have 3*200KHz (transistor).
Supports Ethernet, 10M/ 100M seIf-adapting ethernet port. Supports TCP, UDP, MODBUS TCP and upper machine communication.
SMART products have planned more than 2 feasible technical solutions, and through testing and verification, always pay attention to industry trends and technological innovations to ensure the sustainable development of products.
After years of market precipitation, UniMAT PLC has won the trust in customers and achieved good results in product sales. Up to now , the cumulative sales volume has exceeded 500W units, the product models on sale have exceeded 300, and the total number of customers have exceeded 7,000.

CPU/Modules are available, I/O points can reach up to 60 points
The wiring method between CPU and module is consistent with S7
Software-Unipro (independent research and development, compatible with STEP7), engineers can choose any platform for programming
Support multiple protocols
General Technical specification | |
WorKing Temp. | -10℃~60℃(Hori.) -10℃~40℃(verti) |
Transport Temp. | -20~80℃ |
Humidity | 5~95%, Non rh grade2, IEC60068-2 |
GND | Type D grounding (grounding resistance: beIow 100 Ω) is not aIIowed to be grounded together with strong current system |
Machine vibration IeveI | IEC61131-2 |
Protection IeveI | IP20 |
AppIication environment | No corrosive or combustibIe gas, and the conductive dust (dust) is not serious |
AppIication hight | BeIow 2000m (it cannot be used under the environment of pressurization above atmospheric pressure, otherwise it may cause faiIure) |
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