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Gather the team and create greater glories - UniMAT Automation's 2022 annual tour has ended successfully!

Gather the team and create greater glories - UniMAT Automation's 2022 annual tour has ended successfully!

From August 15th to 16th, on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the establishment of UniMAT Automation, in order to enrich the employees' amateur cultural life, enhance the communication and exchanges between employees, and enhance the cohesion and sense of belonging of employees, the company carefully organized all employees 2022 Annual collective travel event.

The destination of this tour is Qingyuan, a summer resort in Guangdong, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the air is fresh and the climate is pleasant. At 7:30 in the morning on the first day, two buses full of UniMAT people departed from Shenzhen Company and Dongguan Company respectively, laughing and laughing all the way, and arrived at their destination on time around 11:00!

Real CS, Passion Karting, Landscape Park, Natural Oxygen Bar - Yunxi Nine Waterfalls, the first stop starts from "Xuanzhen Sports Happy World", here is a super outdoor sports park with 1500+ super large area! Mountain tours, rafting, water all the imagination of summer vacation! The excitement and coolness here allows everyone to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and work, calm down, be in the company of nature, and experience a summer carnival!

At about 6 pm, everyone stayed at the Zhanyun Resort Hotel in Qingyuan. After playing all day, my colleagues seemed a little tired. The hotel's fish nest soup spring must not be missed. This is a holiday paradise surrounded by mountains and rivers. There are 20 bubble pools of different sizes and different functions and an outdoor swimming pool are scattered among the mountains and deep forests. All kinds of troubles, take a deep breath of fresh air, 6,000 negative oxygen ions per cubic meter are inhaled into the lungs, and even the last bit of trouble is swept away.

On the second day, everyone drove to Qingyuan Gulongxia Forest Adventure Kingdom, which is a national AAAA-level tourist attraction with 12 world record certifications. First of all, everyone visited Yuntian Boba, which covered many world records such as the world's largest high-altitude glass tour route, the world's largest high-altitude glass combination, and the world's most aerial projects. city.   

After visiting Yuntian Boba, we came to the most exciting project of this trip - rafting, the whole process of Gulong Gorge Feilong rafting: the entire drifting river is 6.1 kilometers long, with a drop of 378 meters. The fastest speed is 72 kilometers per hour. It is a national rafting track. The average slope of the track is 9.5%, surpassing the 7.5% average slope of the Brahmaputra Grand Canyon. It has become the world's largest outdoor extreme sports and natural water rafting enthusiasts Challenge goals.

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